Category Archives: Sweat the Look

Sweat the Look
Adrianne Ho Summer Feature With H&M

cq5dam-2.web.1920.1280You know those healthy-lifestyle-Instagrammers who only make you feel bad? The ones who make you secretly wish they would choke on their chia pudding? Model and fitness fashion entrepreneur Adrianne Ho is not one of them. She actually manages to promote an active lifestyle in a way that only makes you feel inspired. Inspired to sweat, inspired to eat yummy food, inspired to wear all the coolest streetwear styles.
JUNB1-16-GIF-Adrienne-HoFounder of, a website and brand dedicated to ”natural beauty and positive health,” Adrianne Ho is now expanding her brand into television – she is currently filming season one of Sweat the City, where she interviews leaders in the food/fitness/fashion community. We asked Adrianne to join our cast of smart, inspiring girls and model our favourite swimwear for summer.cq5dam-1.web.1920.1280

What does being fit mean to you?
Being fit is when you find that balance when you eat food that you love, which tastes good and is the best quality possible so that you nurture yourself – and when you find an activity that you love. Being fit is about living a life that you enjoy. Your goal should be to have fun, feel active or get better at something instead of working out just to lose five pounds – because that is the worst feeling in the world.

Was it hard to stay body positive when you started modeling?
It was, in the beginning, for sure. In the industry they really measure the inches around your waist, your hips… it is a lot about genetics. So it’s difficult. But lately I find that with social media, with Sweat The Style, I can put out images of myself that represent who I am, more than just the measurements on my comp card.

Social media is such a great opportunity for people to get their voice out there. Ten years ago you had to jump through all these hoops that the industry created. Now you can create your own brand, make your personality shine through.cq5dam-3.web.1920.1280When do you feel the most beautiful?
After a workout. I am sweating, the endorphins are kicking in, and I am really proud of accomplishing what I wanted for the past hour.

What do you love most about your body?
What’s cool is how much your body is capable of. You don’t realize how far you can push yourself, and then you’re like – ‘wow, I can really do all these things!’ Or how your body can heal really fast, build muscle or just adapt to whatever you put it through.

How do you want to feel when you put your swimsuit on?
I just want to feel confident. Having to try on bathing suits is always a little bit nerve-racking. The best feeling is when you don’t even think about being in a bathing suit, you’re just in the moment, having fun.

What’s your favorite summer memory?
I grew up in Toronto, and it’s usually so cold. So when summer comes, everyone goes out, celebrating. I remember just being so happy that I could finally wear shorts. So just that – riding my bike around the city in Toronto.

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