Sweat The Style girl, Christina Ionno’s training style combines her rock and roll attitude with a feminine sensibility. Today she sports an elegant pink sports bra, a ballet style bun with Props workout gloves, Asics sneakers, and Nike printed tights. While modeling for several years has given Christina experience staying in shape, she likes to set goals outside of herself to keep motivated. This September she is completing a 100 mile bike ride in New York City to support Vision Zero, a cause close to her heart.
Who do you SWEAT?
People that push me out of my comfort zone and teach me something new.
What do you SWEAT?
Adrenaline, bad vibes, aggression, stress, or negative thoughts.
Where do you SWEAT?
Absolutely anywhere that I can – boxing studio, dance class, the dance floor, my bedroom, the great outdoors… everywhere, you name it!
When do you SWEAT?
Preferably in the morning soon after waking up, but I’ll always make the time, even if it’s just walking from A to B in the city. That counts!
How do you SWEAT?
To really LOUD metal music. Lots of cardio mixed with pilates and yoga to balance out the body and mind. I love a little healthy competition – experimenting with group classes that take me to my limit and go way past it. Any exercise that makes me walk out feeling sweaty and proud.
Why do you SWEAT?
To feel confident, stay in shape for my job, stabilize my moods, to look good in the nude, feel strong, to gain energy, and because it’s fun!
Rock with Christina on her Instagram, Twitter, and support her while she rides for Vison Zero.
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