Food & Drink
Make A. Toast (Avocado Toast)

AvocadoToast Ingredients:
Avocado: 1 Whole
Gluten-Free Bread: 2 Slices
Olive Oil: 3 Tbsp
Sea Salt: Flake To Taste
Chili Flakes: To Taste
Lemon: 1/2 Juiced

Cut avocado in half and spoon out flesh into a bowl.
Mash avocado with a fork and add lemon juice.
Toast gluten-free bread.
Drizzle olive oil on bread.
Spread avocado mixture on toast.
Sprinkle with sea salt and chili flakes.

I think it’s time for us to have A. Toast!

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Food & Drink
Golden Eastern Shrimp

Shrimp: 1 Lb, Deveined
Jasmine Rice: 2 Cups Cooked
Garlic: 3 Cloves
Cardamom Seeds: 1 Tbsp
Curry Powder: 2 Tbsp
Olive Oil: 1/4 Cup, enough to make paste to coat shrimp
Parsley: 1 Bunch
Lemon: 1 Tbsp of Zest and Juice (recommended)

Marinate shrimp in paste made out of olive oil, lemon zest, parsley, and curry for about an hour.
When ready to cook heat a shallow pan with olive oil and garlic.
When garlic is somewhat golden add cardamon seeds.
Add shrimp, cook moving shrimp around the pan frequently until done, once grey colour is gone and shrimp has turned pink.
Serve with Jasmine rice, garnish with a squeeze of lemon and parsley.

Warning do not wear white while cooking.

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